Prayer cannot be overestimated.

It launched the work of Bible translation, and it continues to move it forward. Wycliffe relies on your prayers.

Your prayers:

  • enable us to do the work.
  • encourage us to persevere through the challenges.
  • keep us focused and God-centered.

Here are some general ideas about how to pray for WA:

  1. Pray for a Bible-less people
  2. Pray for Bible translation projects
  3. Pray for missionaries

Ways to Facilitate Prayer:

  • Start a small group focused on a specific group of people in need of the Bible in their language.
  • Encourage the members of an existing small group to spend time in prayer regularly for a specific project. Stay current on news of the project and get to know the people involved with it.
  • Work with your church leadership to “adopt” a project or country as the main focus for your church.
  • Organize a large group prayer meeting at your church to spend a day in collective prayer. Show videos and educate the congregation about the value of the project.
  • Try to include prayer for Bible translation in Africa as part of your Sunday church service.
  • Coordinate a Bible study around the topic of missions or Bible translation.