Our Core Values

- Martin Luther

The Bible is alive, it speaks to me; it has feet, it runs after me; it has hands, it lays hold of me.

The Glory of God among the Nations

Our motive for Bible translation is that some from all the peoples of Africa might pursue God and His glory.

Christ-likeness in Life and Work

Our quest is to be like Christ. We express this in the way we live and in the quality of the work we do.

The Church as Central in God’s Mission

The Church is sent by God to evangelize the world and disciple the nations.

The Word Translated

The Word of God transforms lives when it is translated into a language that speaks to people’s hearts.

Dependence on God

We depend on God for everything needed to complete the otherwise impossible task of worldwide Bible translation.

Partnership and Service

We partner with others in the service of translating the Word of God for the peoples of Africa.