If you would like to join Wycliffe Africa or just find out more about it, you can begin by filling out a Preliminary Questionnaire which can be e-mailed to us. You can also begin by following the steps to coming on board with us which are listed below. These are general guidelines, but there may be more requirements for the specific job you want to do.

1. Get Qualified
The most important qualification for anyone involved in ministry is a personal knowledge of Jesus as Saviour and Lord. A clear commitment to serving Him as the primary focus of your life is also essential.
Other qualifications include:
- Active membership in a local church, participating in ministries such as evangelism and discipleship.
- Practical experience of witnessing through various means like your home church or university Christian fellowship.
- A conviction that God has called you to full-time Christian ministry. This conviction needs to be recognized by your sending church.
- Completion of a university first degree or equivalent professional training and qualification for example, in accountancy.
- If you are planning to do language work, you may need to take further study See Where to get Bible Training.
2. Complete the Application Process
3. Find Prayer Support
Bible translation is a spiritual activity, so there is sure to be spiritual opposition. If you were involved, you would need regular and earnest prayer protection. This can come in many ways:
- Your church could commit to pray for you.
- A group of friends could meet weekly/monthly to intercede on your behalf.
- 20…40…60…80…100 personal friends could promise to pray for you regularly on an individual basis.
4. Enlist Your Church to Help
If people are to go, they need to be sent. All members of the Bible translation team need to be commissioned for this ministry by their church. In other words, your church needs to recognize that God is calling you into his service, commit itself to regular prayer for you, accept responsibility for your long-term pastoral care, and make some contribution to your financial support. Share your belief that God wants you to be part of the Bible translation team with your pastor, church leaders, and Christian friends. Seek their counsel and prayer. We can speak with your church leadership and work with them in the application process.
5. Raise Financial Support
To learn more about the blessings of being financially and prayerfully supported by a team of sponsors, please read More About Support.
6. Take the Final Steps
Finally, you will take an initial orientation. This will include enough introductory training to enable you to serve for two to six months as an intern, in your chosen area of ministry. Following that, you will receive an assignment to serve in a particular country and specific ministry. You’re almost ready to go now! You will complete any remaining necessary preparations, be commissioned by your church, and then take up your assignment.
7. But even this is not the end of the road – it’s just the beginning!
There will be an opportunity for further training in the course of your work. This will include on-the-job seminars and workshops and in some cases opportunity for advanced study at university. Those who show outstanding ability over the course of their work are invited to take further training to serve as consultants. Using your experience, skills, and training to multiply the work through investing in the lives of others is an exciting prospect.