Support Your Missionary

  1. Pray for Them There are many creative and interesting ways to effectively pray for your missionaries. They desperately need your prayers which can make the difference between success and failure.
  2. Give Financially to their Work There are many Africans who are willing to lay their lives down for the kingdom. They have the skills they need for the work of Bible translation but lack one basic thing. They don’t have the funding. The challenge of reaching our continent for Christ is the future of successful mission work in Africa. If you feel God leading you to financially support Bible translators or other supporting workers, please contact us. Together we can make a bigger impact!
  1. Encourage Them Missionaries working full-time in challenging areas that are out of their comfort zone can get quite discouraged and lonely. The care and concern of their local church can make all the difference. If they know people love them and are praying for them, it helps the project thrive and succeed! Here are some practical ideas for encouraging your missionary:
  • Spiritually – Send them tapes of sermons or books that have meant a lot to you.
  • Emotionally – If you have access to a peaceful place of rest, offer it to your missionaries as a place they can go refresh themselves.
  • Physically – Help them work out logistics for when they return on visits to your church. Arrange accommodation, set up needed appointments, or provide transportation or a meal.
  • Mentally – Help them stay up-to-date on current events or advances in their profession. Maybe the church could fund their attendance at training events or workshops.
  1. Help them in the application process When someone believes God is leading them to apply to Wycliffe, we aim to work in close cooperation and fellowship with that person’s home church at all stages of their involvement. We require that applicants be jointly approved by their church leadership and by Wycliffe.

- Martin Luther

The Bible is alive, it speaks to me; it has feet, it runs after me; it has hands, it lays hold of me.