Support Raising

  • Your church (and possibly several other churches) might be able to take responsibility for you financially on a monthly basis.
  • Friends and family often help provide a portion of the finances you need, either as a one-time gift or on a regular basis.
  • Those who are praying often want to be involved, even if this is only on a small scale.
  • Western churches are often interested in building partnerships with African churches. Although such relationships involve more than finances, they often include such help.

Our experience shows that God uses many different avenues to meet the financial needs of those he calls. If God tells you to be involved, it is your job to obey. It is his job to provide for your needs, and he will! God has provided for thousands of Wycliffe missionaries worldwide for six decades. He is able!

- Martin Luther

The Bible is alive, it speaks to me; it has feet, it runs after me; it has hands, it lays hold of me.